Script Submission

City Theatre is committed to serving as Pittsburgh’s home for new work. We focus on developing and producing plays of substance whose subject matter engages and entertains on both an intellectual and emotional level. City is excited to lead the new play development conversation nationally and locally by fostering lasting relationships with artists.
City currently accepts full-length script submissions from literary agents only. In order to best serve the theatre’s season planning needs and support Pittsburgh’s thriving artistic community, City Theatre will accept queries from local writers (based in the greater Pittsburgh area) between June 15th through August 15th each year. This is the best way to have your materials considered for our reading series, annual Momentum Festival, and other developmental opportunities that arise. Interested playwrights should submit the following materials:
- Cover letter
•Contact information for at least one professional reference
•A synopsis of the play
•A character breakdown
•A 10-page dialogue sample
•Audio for musicals
•A brief description of the play’s developmental and production history
Due to limited staff resources, scripts without literary agent representation from beyond the Pittsburgh region (100 miles or more), or local scripts submitted outside the window noted above, will not be read. Agent submitted full-length scripts are accepted year-round.
City Theatre no longer accepts submissions by mail. Please send to: for consideration.
We are particularly interested in stories that call out for the stage; plays possessing a fresh use of language or form; compelling contemporary stories that speak to our community; and plays by under-represented voices (e.g., women, writers of color, writers with disabilities). We are always seeking unproduced work, and will consider full-length original plays, musicals, and solo plays. We are not presently considering short one-acts, adaptations, or children’s plays. We highly recommend you familiarize yourself with our production history for a better understanding of the work we produce prior to submitting.
City Theatre no longer accepts submissions by mail. Please send electronically for consideration.
Query Submissions
City Theatre no longer accepts submissions by mail. Please send electronically for consideration.